What I learnt that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy was the origins and development. I learnt that Manaiakalani supports schools in low socio-economic and challenged communities to achieve significant improvements in students outcomes, realising learners potential and enabling digital citizenship for tauira and their whānau.
What I learnt that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional was how to use google docs to it's full potential. Work smarter not harder.
What I learnt that could be used with my learners is how to use voice typing for reading mileage and how to create a visual poster using google docs.
Kia ora Ariana,
ReplyDeleteI agree that voice typing is such a great tool. Reading mileage, practicing te reo Māori, hearing if sentences make sense,... I'm sure there must be more.
Ngā mihi,
Kia ora Ariana,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your reflection on the day. I would be really interested to hear how you are finding it taking part in the first few sessions having already done days 4-9!
Ngā mihi nui
Tēnā koe Ariana,
ReplyDeleteNau mai hoki mai ki te kaupapa, ahakoa kua tutuki kē koe ngā rangi whā ki te iwa. Kei te toai noa ahau i tā Vicki pātai atu ki a koe, e pēhea ana ō whakaaro mō te hoki atu ki te wānanga tuatahi? He māmā ake pea te haere, he uaua rānei?
Ngā mihi
Nā Makaore
Kia ora ano koutou,
ReplyDeleteThanks for commenting on my blog and the awesome DFI session today. With my experience in completing sessions 4-8 prior to sessions 1-3 taking into consideration the approach that our school has taken has made things pretty straight forward but still valuable and achievable. Especially with the support of the ManaiaKalani facilitators, Our prinicpal, work collegues, prior knowledge/ experience and google search. However some of the tips I have learnt in session 1-2 would have made life a little easier in sessions 4-8.
All the support and tools that I have received so far has changed my teaching practice, work flow, organisation (just to name a few) immensely. So grateful to you all and the rest of the ManaiaKalani team/ community.
Ngā Mihi